Would you like to attend a series of four morning workshops tailored to your IT needs? OpenSure is running one workshop a quarter through 2011 with your business interests at its heart.

OpenSure’s core business is in hosting and managing online services for business, but it’s clear to us that SMEs often don’t know where to turn for practical help in understanding IT developments and their practical application to their business, and so we’ve designed these workshops to fill that gap.

Held in groups of 10-15 people, each workshop will guide you through addressing the issues your business is facing in making the most of IT and keeping pace with change and customer expectations, whilst keeping costs down and minimising hassle. The workshops are backed up with unlimited email support to help you put theory into practice.

The workshops are £45 per person per session (with a £15 discount if you book onto all four at once), and free to OpenSure customers.

To register your interest fill in the simple form below and we’ll be in touch.

What qualifies us to help you with IT?
Our technical director Kevin Dontenville has been in IT since he started his first company in his late teens. Now in his 40s he has numerous directorships under his belt and over 25 years experience in the IT industry.

Heather Dontenville has for several years marketed OpenSure, written widely on IT issues and developments as they affect business and presented ‘the human face of IT’.

Course content:
When you sign up for the course we’ll ask for your most pressing concerns and design the sessions around the points raised. We can guarantee you won’t be the only person wanting to know how to approach a certain area or solve a particular problem.

Each workshop will run as follows:

09.30: Registration with refreshments
09.45: Introductions (there’s no one-minute-sell but you’re welcome to say what needs to be said)
10.00: Session One
11.00: Break for refreshments
11.30: Session Two
12.30: Finish

The workshops will be approximately 12 weeks apart, and a few weeks before the second, third and fourth sessions we’ll contact you to ask what you’d like the next workshop to cover. This way the workshops aren’t about us deciding what you should know, but you telling us what help your company needs and keeping pace with your company’s activities.

Don’t forget that between each workshop you can draw on unlimited email support to help you implement what you’ve learnt at the workshop.

Workshop dates are:
Thursday 27th January
Thursday 14th April
Thursday 14th July
Thursday 13th October

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