Don’t want to use our services?
You can download all the software we use for free and run your own server.
If you choose to, you can pick up your data, set up your own server and run your own services. We know we do a good job and don’t need to lock you in with proprietary software or heavy handed contracts. We want you to stay with us because it makes your world easier and better, not because you have to.
Below are the great projects large and small that underpin the services we offer. We love supporting and working with them and are happy to promote and help widen their use:
Build your own systems using:
Debian, Ubuntu, Citadel, WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, Feng Office, Piwik, OpenNMS, LimeSurvey, vTiger, FrontAccounting, Etherpad, KVM and Proxmox, Zimbra.